The Orion Nebula (M42)
Diffuse Nebula
Star Forming Region
Constellation: Orion
Distance: 1,600 ly
Link to more information
Imaged at Soap Creek Valley
Corvallis, Oregon
12.5" f/4.8 with Lightholder primary
Canon EOS 40D (unmodded) with Televue photo Paracorr
6 x 10 sec, 6 x 30 sec, 6 x 60 sec, and 6 x 120 sec subframes at ISO 800
Tom Osypowski Dual Axis Aluminum Eq. Platform
Autoguided with PHD sofware
8" f/4 Guidescope, Televue Paracorr
CCD-Labs Q-guide camera
average seeing and nearly full moon